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The Marvellous Land of Oz
EP 01: Tip Manufactures Pumpkinhead
EP 01: Tip Manufactures Pumpkinhead
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EP 01: Tip Manufactures Pumpkinhead
EP 01: Tip Manufactures Pumpkinhead
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 02: The Marvellous Powder of Life
EP 02: The Marvellous Powder of Life
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 03: The Flight of the Fugitives
EP 03: The Flight of the Fugitives
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 04: Tip Makes an Experiment in Magic
EP 04: Tip Makes an Experiment in Magic
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 05: The Awakening of the Saw-horse
EP 05: The Awakening of the Saw-horse
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 06: Jack Pumpkinhead’s Ride to the Emerald City...
EP 06: Jack Pumpkinhead’s Ride to the Emerald City
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 07: His Majesty the Scarecrow
EP 07: His Majesty the Scarecrow
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 08: Gen. Jinjur’s Army of Revolt
EP 08: Gen. Jinjur’s Army of Revolt
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 09: The Scarecrow Plans an Escape
EP 09: The Scarecrow Plans an Escape
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 10: The Journey to the Tin Woodman
EP 10: The Journey to the Tin Woodman
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 11: A Nickel-Plated Emperor
EP 11: A Nickel-Plated Emperor
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 12: Mr. H. M. Woggle-Bug, T. E.
EP 12: Mr. H. M. Woggle-Bug, T. E.
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 13: A Highly Magnified History
EP 13: A Highly Magnified History
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 14: Old Mombi Indulges in Witchcraft
EP 14: Old Mombi Indulges in Witchcraft
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 15: The Prisoners of the Queen
EP 15: The Prisoners of the Queen
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 16: The Scarecrow Takes Time to Think...
EP 16: The Scarecrow Takes Time to Think
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 17: The Astonishing Flight of the Gump...
EP 17: The Astonishing Flight of the Gump
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 18: In the Jackdaw’s Nest
EP 18: In the Jackdaw’s Nest
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 19: Dr. Nikidik’s Famous Wishing Pills...
EP 19: Dr. Nikidik’s Famous Wishing Pills
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 20: The Scarecrow Appeals to Glinda the Good...
EP 20: The Scarecrow Appeals to Glinda the Good
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 21: The Tin-Woodman Plucks a Rose
EP 21: The Tin-Woodman Plucks a Rose
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...
EP 22: The Transformation of Old Mombi
EP 22: The Transformation of Old Mombi
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. A...
EP 23: Princess Ozma of Oz
EP 23: Princess Ozma of Oz
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. A...
EP 24: The Riches of Content
EP 24: The Riches of Content
The Marvellous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum is the enchanting sequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This story follows a young boy named Tip, who escapes the clutches of the wicked witch Mombi. With his creation, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip embarks on a thrilling adventure across the magical land of Oz. Al...