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বিশ্বাসঘাতক (Biswasghatak)
EP 01: কে? (Who?)
EP 01: কে? (Who?)
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EP 01: কে? (Who?)
EP 01: কে? (Who?)
September 15, 1945 A world is still healing from the ravages of war. Atomic devastation strikes Hiroshima and Nagasaki, leaving nations reeling in the aftermath. Join us as we unravel the mystery in 'Biswasghatak,' written by Narayan Sanyal and narrated by Sumanta Gangopadhyay. Dive into the intrigu...
EP 02: কনফারেন্স (Conference?)
EP 02: কনফারেন্স (Conference?)
On the evening of August 11, 1945, the blueprint of the Manhattan Project was smuggled to Russian intelligence, concealed within a packet of cigarettes. How could such vast information be hidden in a cigarette pack, and who could be the smuggler? Chaos ensued in the White House meeting. D. Oppenheim...
EP 03: কি (What?)
EP 03: কি (What?)
In the annals of human civilization, never before has espionage played such a colossal role. The stolen blueprint in question is that of the atomic bomb. To fathom this further, we first need to understand the very nature of an atomic bomb. At first, it was claimed that an atomic bomb was uncomplica...
EP 04: রেডিও অ্যাক্টিভিটি (Radio Activity)...
EP 04: রেডিও অ্যাক্টিভিটি (Radio Activity)
In this universe, there are substances or elements that gradually emit energy, transforming from one element to another. For instance, from uranium to radium, from radium to radon, and finally, from lead to a halt. In 1919, the scientist Rutherford sought to understand all of this. Experiments comme...
EP 05: পরমাণু তত্ত্ব (Atomic Theory)
EP 05: পরমাণু তত্ত্ব (Atomic Theory)
At that time, research on nuclear physics was taking place in three places on Earth: Cambridge, Copenhagen, and Göttingen. Among these, Göttingen was prominent. It was here that astronomers were conducting their studies. Who was there? Whose words were they heeding? In the small German city of Götti...
EP 06: ইহুদি বিতাড়ণ পর্ব (Drive Away the Jewish C...
EP 06: ইহুদি বিতাড়ণ পর্ব (Drive Away the Jewish Chapter)
At that time, research on nuclear physics was happening in three places on Earth: Cambridge, Copenhagen, and Göttingen. Among these, Göttingen stood out. Astronomers were conducting research here. Who was there? Whose words were they listening to? In the small German city of Göttingen, various stran...
EP 07: নিউট্রন (Neutron)
EP 07: নিউট্রন (Neutron)
Before, electrons and protons were already discovered within the atom. Now, in 1932, scientist Chadwick uncovered the 'neutron' residing within the atom. The very essence of the atom underwent a complete transformation. The scientific community was in awe, and we advanced to the second stage of nucl...
EP 08: লিওৎজিলার্ড (Leothzilard)
EP 08: লিওৎজিলার্ড (Leothzilard)
While researching boron, the Curie couple observed a faint glow and extracted a small amount of energy from it. This marked the third phase of nuclear bomb development. However, this concept troubled scientist Joliot-Curie. He believed it was a tremendous power that needed to be kept secret. He atte...
EP 09: ইলেক্ট্রো-নিউট্রাল (Electro-Neutral)...
EP 09: ইলেক্ট্রো-নিউট্রাল (Electro-Neutral)
It's called the 'Pope of Physics,' says the scientist Enrico Fermi from Italy. Through his research, he proved capable of splitting the uranium atom. There, he observed artificial radioactivity occurring and new elements being born. Later, it became evident that he hadn't produced any new elements. ...
EP 10: পিং পং বল (Ping Pong Ball)
EP 10: পিং পং বল (Ping Pong Ball)
Even after receiving Otto Hahn's letter, the Curie couple did not abandon their experiments. They continued to investigate and published an article in a scientific journal. There, they revealed that by bombarding the nucleus of uranium, they had discovered a new element called 'lanthanum.' Scientist...